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Stoke Golding Village Hall
Hall Drive
Stoke Golding
Nuneaton CV13 6EA 

Please do not use this address for correspondence

  • Ruth Fisher (Chairperson) 07790 628527
  • Sarah Beale (Booking Clerk) 01455 212074

Stoke Golding Village Hall is a community hall in the pretty and historic village of Stoke Golding in Leicestershire close to the Warwickshire border. It was built in 1961 to replace the old village hall which had become dilapidated. The new hall was designed to meet the needs of the growing community, and it quickly became a hub for social and cultural activities. Over the years, the hall has been used for a variety of events, including dances, plays, concerts, and community meetings. In 2011, the hall underwent a major refurbishment to bring it up to modern standards. This work included new heating, lighting, as well as a new kitchen and toilets. The hall is now a well-equipped and comfortable venue that is available for hire by the community.

Stoke Golding Village Hall is managed by a dedicated Management Committee who are all volunteers. The committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the hall, including bookings, maintenance and fundraising. The hall is a registered charity (charity number 510121). This means that any surplus income is reinvested back into the hall for the benefit of the community.